Past Events
Ethical Blockchain Workshop
Ever caught yourself wondering… what exactly is Blockchain, how does it work and how is it changing the world today? Then on Monday 1st November, we have the event for you!
Tech for Social Good is collaborating with the Google Developer Student Club here at USYD to bring an evening of information, activities and discussion to take you all the way from first hearing about Blockchain to actively shaping its future! 🙌
Within this talk and workshop, you can expect to:
🚀 Learn the ABC’s of Blockchain
🚀 Learn about the ethical considerations of and potential issues with Blockchain today
🚀 Workshop pen-on-paper strategies to address some of the many challenges faced by Blockchain!
With the exponential adoption of Blockchain technology in our modern world, you don’t want to miss this event and the chance to join in and jump to the head of the pack!
Social Impact & Tech: Panel and Networking Night
Ever wondered about a non-traditional tech path? Passionate about tech but don’t wish to code yourself into oblivion? 👨💻🌎
Tech is a diverse industry overlapping with law, consulting, government and the not-for-profit industry. ⚖️👩💼
Join us on Wednesday the 20th of October at 7pm to hear from and mingle with over six tech professionals working in the tech policy, consulting and social impact space! 🗣️
We've brought together representatives from:
Tech Council of Australia (newly-formed tech industry group, contains the likes of Anthony Eisen, CEO of Afterpay, Robyn Denholm, Chair of Tesla)
Atlassian Foundation (Atlassian's social impact arm)
Reset Australia (Australia's leading tech-policy hub)
3A Institute (Australia's leading sociotechnical research institute)
NSW Information and Privacy Commission
The panellists for the night are:
Rhiannon Tuntevski (Senior Manager at Tech Council of Australia)
Jonathan Srikanthan (Director at Atlassian Foundation)
Elizabeth Tydd (NSW Information Commissioner)
Dhakshayini Sooriyakumaran (Director at Reset Australia)
Shae Potter (Senior Consultant at Deloitte)
Linda Przhedetsky (Assistant Manager, Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources)
TSG Startups Networking Night
Are you curious about getting into Australia's booming startup scene, but not sure where to start? 🤔
Come hear from Australia's leading CEOs in the startup space at Tech for Social Good's Startup Networking Night🌎, bringing together leaders in FINTECH, MEDTECH and AGTECH.
Michael Batko (CEO of Startmate, Australia's largest accelerator)
Zaki Bougettaya (CEO of QPay, a leading Australian fintech player)
Zoe & Lisa Paisley (Cofounders of Aggie Global, an agtech startup)
Laura Simmons (Cofounders of Theratrak, a healthtech startup)
❓ What's happening ❓
👂 Hear how they got started through our panel
🧠 Understand the process and challenges of leading a startup
🗣️ Speak to the founders in our networking session
💡 Gain ideas how you can get started yourself!
National Strategy Challenge
Fancy yourself a bit of a thinker, game-changer and innovator with a unique voice to add? Want to tackle one of the BIGGEST issues Australia will face this century ⁉️
Tech for Social Good proudly presents the inaugural National Strategy Challenge! You’ll have the chance to build skills like problem-solving and communication while tackling some of the toughest social, political, technological, legal and business issues created by automation. You'll ideate your way to a solution and present to consultants and judges with decades of combined experience in the area! Not to mention there’s $3500 of prize money and networking opportunities!
28 September - Competition Launch and McKinsey Strategy Workshop
30 September - Preliminary Submissions due
1 October - Semi-final Presentations; Final Presentations and Q&A discussion
Sign up below as a team of 2-4 or as an individual. Registrations close at 5 PM on the 20th September 2021, and spots are limited - so get in quick!
Talks for Good: Speed Friend Edition
400+ cases ruining your mood? Tired of switching between Netflix, Canvas and Gladys? Waiting for TSG to host their next event so you can meet new people, be intellectually stimulated, AND have a good time?
Please welcome back Tech for Social Good’s iconic Talks for Good event, this time online and tailored to your every social need! Join us as we move between breakout rooms, speaking in groups of 2-3 people at a time and discussing all things Covid-19 and privacy related in a speed-friending format, tackling issues related to contact tracing, invasive technology, police powers, and misinformation.
Keep an eye out on our socials for thought-provoking questions, sentence starters, and an informative list of resources to get you thinking about this important topic in the meantime!
Lockdown Trivia and Games Night
NRL players of which team were fined over $300,000 for breaching Covid-19 lockdown rules? Which university did Bill Gates, founder and CEO of Microsoft, drop out of? Who are the four co-founders of TSG?
Tech for Social Good warmly invites you and your friends to our first ever Lockdown Trivia and Games Night! Join us from the comfort of your bed as we welcome back the start of semester and tackle some of the most pressing questions of our time.
Who? Everyone is welcome! This is your chance to meet the super friendly TSG Executive and find out more about what we have planned for Semester 2 👀
What? Questions range from Gladys press conferences to Gossip Girl to the mission of TSG, and we have plenty of games lined up after that - did we mention some awesome Uber Eats gift vouchers are up for grabs?
When? Thursday 12th August, 7pm
Where? Your crib
Showcase: Facial Recognition and Social Media
The link to the recording of the Final Presentations at the IRP Showcase can be found here. You can also view it below.
Developed in proud partnership with the Gradient Institute, the Inaugural TSG Interdisciplinary Research Program is a unique research experience for students to engage with important sociotechnical issues and showcase their research to the public.
Facial recognition and social media are immensely powerful and pervasive in modern society, but how can they be used for good? Tech for Social Good is hosting two TED-style presentations by teams of students mentored by experts investigating the issues of Facial Recognition Technology and the effects of Social Media on activism. This event will be held at 5-7PM, Wednesday 19 May 2021 in ABS Case Study Lecture Theatre 1060, so grab your free ticket and come along!
Date and time: 5-7pm Wednesday 19th May, 2021
Location: ABS Case Study Lecture Theatre 1060
Movie screening: Coded Bias
Join Tech for Social Good for an exclusive premiere screening of tech thriller documentary Coded Bias! Held in the Law Foyer of the New Law Building, with free snacks (popcorn!) and refreshments, this is the perfect way to take a break from studying and unwind.
After the film, you’ll also get to have a casual chat with some experts in the area! Joining us on the night will be Professor Kalervo Gulson, Professor Kimberlee Weatherall and Dr Roman Marchant.
So whether you’re a film buff, tech or non-tech inclined, or just looking for a chance to meet like-minded people, we’d love to see you there! This movie is a must-watch.
This event was made possible through the support of the Australian Research Council Future Fellowship and the ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society.
Date and time: Tuesday 11 May 2021, 5 PM
Location: Law Foyer, University of Sydney Law School
Talks for Good: TSG does Pancakes!
Line up for your free pancakes at Tech for Social Good meet up NEXT WEEK!
Come and learn about the initiatives and projects our team has been working on and how you could join us next semester! This is a great opportunity during your lunch break to meet like-minded tech enthusiasts and chat about some super deep and meaningful tech social questions.
So bring a hungry stomach, an open mind, and we will see you there! Remember that we are a super interdisciplinary society so we welcome anyone from any walk of uni-life.
Date and time: Monday 10 May 2021, 12 PM
Location: Cadigal Green BBQ area
Panel: Data for Social Good
The explosion in Big Data and the increasing sophistication of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and data analytics has unlocked exciting opportunities for data to be harnessed for social good. Data and advanced analytics techniques are being used to uncover racial disparities in the criminal justice system, predict and model the spread of bushfires and improve the diagnostic accuracy of life-threatening diseases.
Tech for Social Good is excited to present to you our first Speaker Panel Event for the year: Data for Social Good. The event will bring a panel of experienced professionals involved in entrepreneurship, data science, research and the non-profit sector to discuss the potential for data science to be used to generate social impact, how to create a socially-impactful and meaningful career and the diverse pathways by which you can get involved!
Surend Dayal - AI Executive / Tech CEO and Angel Investor
Luke Mills - Director at the Good Data Institute which helps non-profits make the most out of their data
Sally Cripps - Director of DARE (Data Analytics for Resources and Environments) - Sally is a Professor of Data Science and has had a wealth of experience using data for social good causes.
Date and time: Tuesday 27 April 2021, 5 PM
Talks for Good: Tech and Social Movements
This is an opportunity during your lunch break at uni to grab a coffee, meet like-minded tech and social good enthusiasts and chat about some meaningful social tech questions!
Tech has completely taken over social movements and transformed the way people express their views, connect with one another, and how they challenge society through protest. As we've recently seen through the Gamestop saga, tech has the power to organise mass boycott with powerful effects. There are truly no limits to what tech can achieve today.
Date and time: Wednesday 31 March 2021, 11 AM
Location: Café Ella, 274 Abercrombie St, Darlington NSW 2008